Tools for 3DCGA (g3c)

3DCGA Tools

Generation Methods

random_bivector() Creates a random bivector on the form described by R.
standard_point_pair_at_origin() Creates a standard point pair at the origin
random_point_pair_at_origin() Creates a random point pair bivector object at the origin
random_point_pair() Creates a random point pair bivector object
random_line_at_origin() Creates a random line at the origin
random_line() Creates a random line
random_circle_at_origin() Creates a random circle at the origin
random_circle() Creates a random circle
random_sphere_at_origin() Creates a random sphere at the origin
random_sphere() Creates a random sphere
random_plane_at_origin() Creates a random plane at the origin
random_plane() Creates a random plane
generate_n_clusters(object_generator, …) Creates n_clusters of random objects
generate_random_object_cluster(n_objects, …) Creates a cluster of random objects
random_translation_rotor([maximum_translation]) generate a random translation rotor
random_rotation_translation_rotor([…]) generate a random combined rotation and translation rotor
random_conformal_point([l_max]) Creates a random conformal point
generate_dilation_rotor(scale) Generates a rotor that performs dilation about the origin
generate_translation_rotor(euc_vector_a) Generates a rotor that translates objects along the euclidean vector euc_vector_a

Geometry Methods

intersect_line_and_plane_to_point(line, plane) Returns the point at the intersection of a line and plane If there is no intersection it returns None
quaternion_and_vector_to_rotor(quaternion, …) Takes in a quaternion and a vector and returns a conformal rotor that implements the transformation
get_center_from_sphere(sphere) Returns the conformal point at the centre of a sphere by reflecting the point at infinity
get_radius_from_sphere(sphere) Returns the radius of a sphere
point_pair_to_end_points(T) Extracts the end points of a point pair bivector
get_circle_in_euc(circle) Extracts all the normal stuff for a circle
line_to_point_and_direction(line) converts a line to the conformal nearest point to the origin and a euc direction vector in direction of the line
get_plane_origin_distance(plane) Get the distance between a given plane and the origin
get_plane_normal(plane) Get the normal to the plane
get_nearest_plane_point(plane) Get the nearest point to the origin on the plane
val_convert_2D_polar_line_to_conformal_line(…) Converts a 2D polar line to a conformal line
convert_2D_polar_line_to_conformal_line(rho, …) Converts a 2D polar line to a conformal line
val_convert_2D_point_to_conformal Convert a 2D point to conformal
convert_2D_point_to_conformal(x, y) Convert a 2D point to conformal
val_distance_point_to_line(point, line) Returns the euclidean distance between a point and a line
distance_polar_line_to_euc_point_2d(rho, …) Return the distance between a polar line and a euclidean point in 2D


meet_val The meet algorithm as described in “A Covariant Approach to Geometry” I5*((I5*A) ^ (I5*B))
meet(A, B) The meet algorithm as described in “A Covariant Approach to Geometry” I5*((I5*A) ^ (I5*B))
normalise_n_minus_1(mv) Normalises a conformal point so that it has an inner product of -1 with einf
val_apply_rotor Applies rotor to multivector in a fast way - JITTED
apply_rotor(mv_in, rotor) Applies rotor to multivector in a fast way
val_apply_rotor_inv Applies rotor to multivector in a fast way takes pre computed adjoint
apply_rotor_inv(mv_in, rotor, rotor_inv) Applies rotor to multivector in a fast way takes pre computed adjoint
euc_dist(conf_mv_a, conf_mv_b) Returns the distance between two conformal points
mult_with_ninf Convenience function for multiplication with ninf
val_norm Returns sqrt(abs(~A*A))
norm(mv) Returns sqrt(abs(~A*A))
val_normalised Returns A/sqrt(abs(~A*A))
normalised(mv) fast version of the normal() function
val_up Fast jitted up mapping
fast_up(mv) Fast up mapping
val_normalInv A fast, jitted version of normalInv
val_homo A fast, jitted version of homo()
val_down A fast, jitted version of down()
fast_down(mv) A fast version of down()
dual_func Fast dual
fast_dual(a) Fast dual
disturb_object(mv_object[, …]) Disturbs an object by a random rotor
project_val fast grade projection

Root Finding

dorst_norm_val Square Root of Rotors - Implements the norm of a rotor
check_sigma_for_positive_root_val Square Root of Rotors - Checks for a positive root
check_sigma_for_positive_root(sigma) Square Root of Rotors - Checks for a positive root
check_sigma_for_negative_root_val Square Root of Rotors - Checks for a negative root
check_sigma_for_negative_root(sigma) Square Root of Rotors - Checks for a negative root
check_infinite_roots_val Square Root of Rotors - Checks for a infinite roots
check_infinite_roots(sigma) Square Root of Rotors - Checks for a infinite roots
positive_root_val Square Root of Rotors - Evaluates the positive root Square Root of Rotors - Evaluates the positive root
negative_root_val Square Root of Rotors - Evaluates the positive root
positive_root(sigma) Square Root of Rotors - Evaluates the positive root
negative_root(sigma) Square Root of Rotors - Evaluates the negative root
general_root_val Square Root and Logarithm of Rotors in 3D Conformal Geometric Algebra Using Polar Decomposition Leo Dorst and Robert Valkenburg
general_root(sigma) The general case of the root of a grade 0,4 multivector
val_annhilate_k Removes K from C = KX via (K[0] - K[4])*C
annhilate_k(K, C) Removes K from C = KX via (K[0] - K[4])*C
pos_twiddle_root_val Square Root and Logarithm of Rotors in 3D Conformal Geometric Algebra Using Polar Decomposition Leo Dorst and Robert Valkenburg
neg_twiddle_root_val Square Root and Logarithm of Rotors in 3D Conformal Geometric Algebra Using Polar Decomposition Leo Dorst and Robert Valkenburg
pos_twiddle_root(C) Square Root and Logarithm of Rotors in 3D Conformal Geometric Algebra Using Polar Decomposition Leo Dorst and Robert Valkenburg
neg_twiddle_root(C) Square Root and Logarithm of Rotors in 3D Conformal Geometric Algebra Using Polar Decomposition Leo Dorst and Robert Valkenburg
square_roots_of_rotor(R) Square Root and Logarithm of Rotors in 3D Conformal Geometric Algebra Using Polar Decomposition Leo Dorst and Robert Valkenburg
interp_objects_root(C1, C2, alpha) Hadfield and Lasenby, Direct Linear Interpolation of Geometric Objects, AGACSE2018 Directly linearly interpolates conformal objects Return a valid object from the addition result C
average_objects(obj_list[, weights]) Hadfield and Lasenby, Direct Linear Interpolation of Geometric Objects, AGACSE2018 Directly averages conformal objects Return a valid object from the addition result C
rotor_between_objects(C1, C2) Hadfield and Lasenby AGACSE2018 For any two conformal objects C1 and C2 this returns a rotor that takes C1 to C2 Return a valid object from the addition result 1 + C2C1
val_rotor_between_lines Implements a very optimised rotor line to line extraction
rotor_between_lines(L1, L2) return the rotor between two lines
rotor_between_planes(P1, P2) return the rotor between two planes
val_rotor_rotor_between_planes return the rotor between two planes


annhilate_k(K, C) Removes K from C = KX via (K[0] - K[4])*C
apply_rotor(mv_in, rotor) Applies rotor to multivector in a fast way
apply_rotor_inv(mv_in, rotor, rotor_inv) Applies rotor to multivector in a fast way takes pre computed adjoint
average_objects(obj_list[, weights]) Hadfield and Lasenby, Direct Linear Interpolation of Geometric Objects, AGACSE2018 Directly averages conformal objects Return a valid object from the addition result C
check_infinite_roots(sigma) Square Root of Rotors - Checks for a infinite roots
check_sigma_for_negative_root(sigma) Square Root of Rotors - Checks for a negative root
check_sigma_for_positive_root(sigma) Square Root of Rotors - Checks for a positive root
convert_2D_point_to_conformal(x, y) Convert a 2D point to conformal
convert_2D_polar_line_to_conformal_line(rho, …) Converts a 2D polar line to a conformal line
distance_polar_line_to_euc_point_2d(rho, …) Return the distance between a polar line and a euclidean point in 2D
disturb_object(mv_object[, …]) Disturbs an object by a random rotor
euc_dist(conf_mv_a, conf_mv_b) Returns the distance between two conformal points
fast_down(mv) A fast version of down()
fast_dual(a) Fast dual
fast_up(mv) Fast up mapping
general_root(sigma) The general case of the root of a grade 0,4 multivector
generate_dilation_rotor(scale) Generates a rotor that performs dilation about the origin
generate_n_clusters(object_generator, …) Creates n_clusters of random objects
generate_random_object_cluster(n_objects, …) Creates a cluster of random objects
generate_translation_rotor(euc_vector_a) Generates a rotor that translates objects along the euclidean vector euc_vector_a
get_center_from_sphere(sphere) Returns the conformal point at the centre of a sphere by reflecting the point at infinity
get_circle_in_euc(circle) Extracts all the normal stuff for a circle
get_nearest_plane_point(plane) Get the nearest point to the origin on the plane
get_plane_normal(plane) Get the normal to the plane
get_plane_origin_distance(plane) Get the distance between a given plane and the origin
get_radius_from_sphere(sphere) Returns the radius of a sphere
interp_objects_root(C1, C2, alpha) Hadfield and Lasenby, Direct Linear Interpolation of Geometric Objects, AGACSE2018 Directly linearly interpolates conformal objects Return a valid object from the addition result C
intersect_line_and_plane_to_point(line, plane) Returns the point at the intersection of a line and plane If there is no intersection it returns None
line_to_point_and_direction(line) converts a line to the conformal nearest point to the origin and a euc direction vector in direction of the line
meet(A, B) The meet algorithm as described in “A Covariant Approach to Geometry” I5*((I5*A) ^ (I5*B))
neg_twiddle_root(C) Square Root and Logarithm of Rotors in 3D Conformal Geometric Algebra Using Polar Decomposition Leo Dorst and Robert Valkenburg
negative_root(sigma) Square Root of Rotors - Evaluates the negative root
norm(mv) Returns sqrt(abs(~A*A))
normalise_n_minus_1(mv) Normalises a conformal point so that it has an inner product of -1 with einf
normalised(mv) fast version of the normal() function
point_pair_to_end_points(T) Extracts the end points of a point pair bivector
pos_twiddle_root(C) Square Root and Logarithm of Rotors in 3D Conformal Geometric Algebra Using Polar Decomposition Leo Dorst and Robert Valkenburg
positive_root(sigma) Square Root of Rotors - Evaluates the positive root
quaternion_and_vector_to_rotor(quaternion, …) Takes in a quaternion and a vector and returns a conformal rotor that implements the transformation
random_bivector() Creates a random bivector on the form described by R.
random_circle() Creates a random circle
random_circle_at_origin() Creates a random circle at the origin
random_conformal_point([l_max]) Creates a random conformal point
random_line() Creates a random line
random_line_at_origin() Creates a random line at the origin
random_plane() Creates a random plane
random_plane_at_origin() Creates a random plane at the origin
random_point_pair() Creates a random point pair bivector object
random_point_pair_at_origin() Creates a random point pair bivector object at the origin
random_rotation_translation_rotor([…]) generate a random combined rotation and translation rotor
random_sphere() Creates a random sphere
random_sphere_at_origin() Creates a random sphere at the origin
random_translation_rotor([maximum_translation]) generate a random translation rotor
rotor_between_lines(L1, L2) return the rotor between two lines
rotor_between_objects(C1, C2) Hadfield and Lasenby AGACSE2018 For any two conformal objects C1 and C2 this returns a rotor that takes C1 to C2 Return a valid object from the addition result 1 + C2C1
rotor_between_planes(P1, P2) return the rotor between two planes
square_roots_of_rotor(R) Square Root and Logarithm of Rotors in 3D Conformal Geometric Algebra Using Polar Decomposition Leo Dorst and Robert Valkenburg
standard_point_pair_at_origin() Creates a standard point pair at the origin
val_convert_2D_polar_line_to_conformal_line(…) Converts a 2D polar line to a conformal line
val_distance_point_to_line(point, line) Returns the euclidean distance between a point and a line


ConformalMVArray This class is for storing arrays of conformal multivectors